What’s Up?
Up is a markup language for writing structured documents in plain text! Up supports:
Super easy Tables
Revealable content (e.g. spoilers)
So much more!
For software developers, Up offers a software library that converts Up markup into HTML. To learn more, please see Using the Up library.
Why use Up?
Up isn’t the only markup language that produces HTML. Markdown, for example, is hugely popular. What makes Up special?
Up has a flexible, forgiving syntax
Up recognizes Numbered lists that count backwards.
- Markup
3) Buy milk 2) Buy bread #) Buy happiness
- Output
Buy milk
Buy bread
Buy happiness
Up usually ignores Excessive delimiter characters.
For example, you don’t need to perfectly balance asterisks when stressing or emphasizing text.
- Markup
I ***love****** asterisks!
- Output
I love asterisks!
Unlike Markdown, Up isn’t picky about which brackets you use for Links.
- Markup
- Buy [milk] (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk) - Buy (bread) [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread] - Buy [sugar] [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar] - Buy (happiness) (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happiness)
- Output
Up even supports Overlapping writing conventions!
- Markup
John **enjoys ==sleeping** late== whenever he can.
- Output
John enjoys sleeping late whenever he can.
Up uses customizable keywords
Too many markup languages devolve into a dense soup of symbols and punctuation.
When a keyword would provide more clarity than a symbol, Up takes advantage of that! Several writing conventions, including Tables and Revealable content, incorporate keywords.
If you’re a software developer using the Up library, you can provide multiple custom variations for each keyword. To learn more, please see Customizing keywords.
Up produces fully accessible HTML
From the table of contents to the last movie-ruining spoiler, Up always produces fully accessible HTML. That means everyone can enjoy the documents you create, regardless of their physical ability.
Why not use Up?
You want a rich ecosystem of tools
There is only one software library for Up, written and maintained by only one person. In contrast, other markup languages have countless tools and plugins.
You need speed
Up is not terribly slow, but it’s not terribly fast, either—at least not yet! If you need instant, real-time parsing and rendering of large documents, Up isn’t the best markup language for you.
Writing conventions
Don’t get lost! The following terms are occasionally used throughout this section.
- Writing convention
Any special annotation or formatting recognized by Up.
- Inline writing convention
Any writing convention that can be used within paragraphs. This includes Emphasis and Highlighting.
- Outline writing convention
Any non-inline writing convention. This includes Paragraphs and Tables.
Paragraphs are the simplest writing convention in Up.
- Markup
Unlike regular dental floss, floss picks are easy to use even if you’re not a trained dental hygienist. Floss picks are sold in stylish, resealable plastic bags. Buy some today!
- Output
Unlike regular dental floss, floss picks are easy to use even if you’re not a trained dental hygienist.
Floss picks are sold in stylish, resealable plastic bags. Buy some today!
To produce a paragraph, write a line of text. That’s all there is to it!
Typically, paragraphs are separated by one or two blank lines. Three or more blank lines between paragraphs indicate a meaningful change of subject. To learn more, see Thematic breaks.
In contrast, consecutive non-blank lines produce Line blocks, not consecutive paragraphs.
Line blocks
Use the line block convention for addresses, lyrics, or anything consisting of lines instead of actual Paragraphs.
- Markup
Have you read my new poem? Roses are red Violets *aren’t* blue Lyrics have lines And addresses do, too Poetry is just too easy.
- Output
Have you read my new poem?
Roses are redViolets aren’t blueLyrics have linesAnd addresses do, tooPoetry is just too easy.
Consecutive non-blank lines produce a line block, unless those lines represent another writing convention, like Numbered lists.
Use the emphasis convention to emphasize a word or phrase.
If the reader should pronounce a word or phrase differently (e.g. to indicate contrast or sarcasm), consider emphasizing it.
- Markup
Only eat the *green* grapes. The red grapes are for Pikachu.
- Output
Only eat the green grapes. The red grapes are for Pikachu.
To emphasize text, enclose it within single asterisks.
Like most inline writing conventions, emphasis can be nested within itself.
- Markup
John really, *really, *really** hates Red Delicious apples.
- Output
John really, really, really hates Red Delicious apples.
Use the stress convention to indicate a word or phrase is particularly important.
If the reader should raise their voice while reading a word or phrase, consider stressing it.
- Markup
Do **not** step on the dinosaur!
- Output
Do not step on the dinosaur!
To stress text, enclose it within double asterisks.
Like most inline writing conventions, stress can be nested within itself.
- Markup
John really, **really, **really**** hates Red Delicious apples.
- Output
John really, really, really hates Red Delicious apples.
Use the italic convention to stylistically offset a word or phrase from the surrounding text without conveying emphasis. The titles of books and movies should probably be italicized.
If you want to emphasize text, see Emphasis.
- Markup
My favorite video game is _Chrono Cross_.
- Output
My favorite video game is Chrono Cross.
To italicize text, enclose it within single underscores.
Like most inline writing conventions, italicized text can be nested within itself.
- Markup
My favorite show is _Real Recipes _Redux_: Super Suppers_.
- Output
My favorite show is Real Recipes Redux: Super Suppers.
Typically, people use bold text to convey extra importance—but that’s what the Stress convention is for!
To make a word or phrase bold without conveying any extra importance, use the plain old bold convention.
- Markup
Has anyone actually used __KABOOM__ cleaning products?
- Output
Has anyone actually used KABOOM cleaning products?
To make text bold, enclose it within double underscores.
Like most inline writing conventions, bold text can be nested within itself.
- Markup
We’ve all seen the ads. __No hard scrubbing! __KABOOM__... and the stains are gone!__
- Output
We’ve all seen the ads.
No hard scrubbing! KABOOM… and the stains are gone!
To draw attention to text without strictly altering its semantics, use the highlighting convention.
(Generally, highlighting shouldn’t be used to emphasize or stress text. If that’s your purpose, see Emphasis or Stress.)
- Markup
Our cupcakes are organic, ==gluten-free==, and made using only the most expensive ingredients.
- Output
Our cupcakes are organic, gluten-free, and made using only the most expensive ingredients.
To highlight text, enclose it within two or more equal signs.
Like most inline writing conventions, highlighting can be nested within itself.
- Markup
Our cupcakes are ==organic, ==gluten-free==, vegan==, and made using only the most expensive ingredients.
- Output
Our cupcakes are organic, gluten-free, vegan, and made using only the most expensive ingredients.
You already know what a link is!
- Markup
The [Game Boy] (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Boy) was my first video game system.
- Output
The Game Boy was my first video game system.
A link consists of two parts: content and a URL.
To produce a link, simply enclose its content in square brackets or parentheses, then enclose its URL in square brackets or parentheses.
You can use mix and match either type of bracket—they’re totally interchangeable.
- Markup
- Buy [milk] (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk) - Buy (bread) [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread] - Buy [sugar] [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar] - Buy (happiness) (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happiness)
- Output
As demonstrated above, you can omit a link’s URL scheme.1 If you do, Up uses https://
for the URL scheme.
- 1
are common examples of URL schemes.
If you’re a software developer using the Up library, you can specify a different default URL scheme. To learn more, see defaultUrlScheme
Other settings affecting links are:
Links with URLs containing spaces
If your link URL contains spaces, Up assumes you aren’t actually trying to produce a link. So it avoids producing one!
- Markup
Warlocked is the best game for GameBoy [sic] (other than Pokémon).
- Output
Warlocked is the best game for GameBoy [sic] (other than Pokémon).
If your link URL really does contain spaces, you can make it clear that you intend to produce a link by omitting the space between your link’s content and its URL.
- Markup
I love the [music](duckduckgo.com/?q=chrono cross music) for Chrono Cross.
- Output
I love the music for Chrono Cross.
When you omit the space between your link’s content and its URL, Up always produces a link.
These rules also apply when Linkifying another writing convention.
Bare URLs
Alternatively, if you include a bare URL in your document, Up will automatically produce a link for you.
- Markup
- Output
Inline quotes
Up automatically recognizes quoted text.
If you want to quote more a few sentences, considering using Blockquotes.
- Markup
"Only eat the green grapes," John said.
- Output
Only eat the green grapes,
John said.
You already know how to use quotation marks! Just keep doing what you’re doing.
Like most inline writing conventions, inline quotes can be nested within themselves.
- Markup
Bob replied, "Yesterday, Harvey yelled "I’ll take the case!", but I doubt he will."
- Output
Bob replied,
Yesterday, Harvey yelled
I’ll take the case!
, but I doubt he will.
Parenthetical text
Up automatically recognizes parenthetical text.
- Markup
When I was ten years old, I left my home (in Pallet Town) to search for Pokémon.
- Output
When I was ten years old, I left my home (in Pallet Town) to search for Pokémon.
Up understands that text enclosed within parentheses or square brackets represents supplemental content.
Example user input
Use the example user input convention to represent user input, including:
Keys the user should press
Buttons the user should click
Menu items the user should access
- Markup
Press {esc} to quit.
- Output
Press esc to quit.
To indicate that text represents user input, enclose the text within curly brackets.
Up ignores any spaces separating the curly brackets from the content they enclose.
- Markup
Press { Start Game } when you are ready.
- Output
Press Start Game when you are ready.
Within example user input, most writing conventions are ignored. However, Typographical writing conventions are supported.
Inline code
Use the inline code convention to represent a small fragment of computer code.
When you need to represent more than a small fragment of computer code, use Code blocks instead.
- Markup
In HTML, you probably shouldn’t use the `<font>` element.
- Output
In HTML, you probably shouldn’t use the
To produce inline code, enclose text within an equal number of backticks on either side. You can use any number of backticks—simply make sure both sides match.
- Markup
In HTML, you probably shouldn’t use the ``<font>`` element.
- Output
In HTML, you probably shouldn’t use the
Within inline code, other writing conventions are ignored. Characters that normally have special meaning are preserved as plain text.
- Markup
In Up, surround text with `*asterisks*` to emphasize it.
- Output
In Up, surround text with
to emphasize it.
Including backticks in your code
To include backticks within inline code, you can precede each backtick with a backslash.
- Markup
`let output = \`score:\` + 5`
- Output
let output = `score:` + 5
For more information about the behavior of backslashes, see Disabling special characters.
Alternatively, inline code can contain streaks of backticks that aren’t exactly as long as the inline code’s outer delimiters. No backslashes are necessary.
In this example, the delimiters are 1 backtick long, so the inline code can contain streaks of 2 backticks:
- Markup
`let output = ``score:`` + 5`
- Output
let output = ``score:`` + 5
In this example, the delimiters are 2 backticks long, so the inline code can contain streaks
of 1 backtick:
- Markup
``let output = `score:` + 5``
- Output
let output = `score:` + 5
Code starting or ending with backticks
If your inline code needs to start or end with backticks, you can place a single space between the inner backticks and the outer delimiter. That one space is trimmed away.
In this example, the inline code both starts and ends with a backtick, so the space is trimmed from both sides:
- Markup
`` `inline_code` ``
- Output
Any spaces beyond that single space are preserved—if there are multiple spaces between the outer and inner backticks, only one is trimmed away.
- Markup
`` `many spaces on either side` ``
- Output
If either side
of inline code contains any non-space characters between the inner and outer backticks, no space is trimmed from that side.
- Markup
`` `key`: ``
- Output
Use headings to introduce a new section in the document.
- Markup
Example heading ===============
- Output
Example heading
If text is underlined, it’s treated as a heading. The underline can consist of any combination of the following characters (you can mix and match):
Number signs:
Equal signs:
Plus signs:
At signs:
A heading’s underline must be at least three characters long, but it does not need to be the same length as the text of the heading.
- Markup
Example heading with a short underline ===
- Output
Example heading with a short underline
Heading levels
The first heading in a document is always a top-level heading. All subsequent headings with underlines consisting of the same characters are considered top-level.
The first heading with a different combination of underline characters is considered a second-level heading. Unsurprisingly, all subsequent headings with underlines consisting of the same characters are also considered second-level.
This process continues ad infinitum. Every new combination of heading underline characters introduces a new heading level. There is no limit to the number of heading levels in a document.
Headings with overlines
A heading can have an optional overline
, but its overline must consist of the same combination of characters as its underline.
- Markup
-------------------------------- Example heading with an overline --------------------------------
- Output
Example heading with an overline
For the purpose of determining heading levels, a heading with an overline is always considered distinct from a heading without one, even if both headings use the same combination of underline characters.
Therefore, a heading with an overline will never have the same level as a heading without an overline.
Section links
Use the section link convention to link to another section (heading) in your document.
- Markup
Up even supports [topic: overlapping]!
- Output
Up even supports Overlapping writing conventions!
To link to a heading, choose a unique snippet of markup from that heading’s content line.2 Enclose that markup snippet within square brackets or parentheses, then insert topic:
or section:
directly inside your opening bracket.
- 2
- Don’t worry about the heading’s underline or overline! Section links ignore both.
Up automatically matches your snippet to the most appropriate heading, then produces a link for you.
Matching the most appropriate heading
Initially, Up tries to match your section link to the first heading whose content line’s markup exactly matches your snippet.3 If there isn’t an exact match, Up matches your section link to the first heading whose content line markup contains your snippet.
- 3
- Up totally ignores the capitalization of section links' markup snippets, so a section link and a heading can be an
exact match
without being capitalized the same way.
Use the footnote convention for asides or citations—anything you want to say without breaking the flow of a paragraph.
Footnotes are automatically extracted into blocks for you.
- Markup
Warlocked [^ No relation to Warcraft!] is a real-time strategy game.
- Output
Warlocked4 is a real-time strategy game.
- 4
- No relation to Warcraft!
To produce a footnote, enclose its content within parentheses or square brackets. Then, insert a caret ^
directly after your opening bracket.
Up allows you to embed Images, Video, or Audio in your document.
- Markup
[image: Super Mario Land box art] (i.imgur.com/TxlFlkX.jpg)
- Output
If you want to link your image to another page, please see Linkifying another writing convention.
- Markup
[video: Professor Leonard] (i.imgur.com/32fBpnh.mp4)
- Output
- Markup
[audio: Sadness theme from Infinity for Game Boy] (a.clyp.it/ybct5hcl.mp3)
- Output
To embed media in your document, simply enclose its description in square brackets or parentheses, then enclose its URL in square brackets or parentheses.
You can use mix and match either type of bracket—they’re totally interchangeable.
Media descriptions
Media descriptions always start with image:
, audio:
, or video:
, depending on the type of media you wish to include.
Within media descriptions, most writing conventions are ignored. However, Typographical writing conventions are supported.
Media URLs
As demonstrated above, you can omit the URL scheme for media URLs. If you do, Up uses https://
for the URL scheme.
If you’re a software developer using the Up library, you can specify a different default URL scheme. To learn more, see defaultUrlScheme
Other settings affecting media are:
Revealable content
Both Inline revealables and Revealable blocks recognize any of the following keywords:
Like all keywords in Up, you can capitalize them however you want.
Inline revealables
Use the inline revealable convention to hide content within a paragraph.
When you want to hide more than a sentence or two, use Revealable blocks instead.
- Markup
At the end of Pokémon Red, [SPOILER: you battle your rival] before the credits roll.
- Output
At the end of Pokémon Red, you battle your rival before the credits roll.
To hide content within a paragraph, first enclose that content within square brackets or parentheses.
Then, directly inside your opening bracket, insert one of the revealable keywords followed by a colon: spoiler:
, nsfw:
, nsfl:
, or revealable:
Inline revealables can contain any inline writing convention.
Revealable blocks
Use revealable block convention to hide a block of content.
When you want to hide content within a paragraph, use Inline revealables instead.
- Markup
SPOILER: After defeating the Elite Four at the end of Pokémon Red, you still have to battle your rival one last time. Your rival’s specific lineup depends on the Pokémon you selected at the beginning of the game. However, his first three Pokémon are always the same: 1. Pidgeot 2. Alakazam 3. Rhydon
- Output
After defeating the Elite Four at the end of Pokémon Red, you still have to battle your rival one last time.
Your rival’s specific lineup depends on the Pokémon you selected at the beginning of the game. However, his first three Pokémon are always the same:
To hide a block of content, first indent it two spaces (or a tab).
Then, on the line before your indented block, put one of the revealable keywords: spoiler
, nsfw
, nsfl
, or revealable
In the example above, the chosen revealable keyword (spoiler
) is followed by a colon. The colon is optional.
Use the blockquote convention to quote a large section of text.
For typical dialog, you should probably use Inline quotes instead.
- Markup
> I hate oranges for the following reasons: > > 1. They’re not apples. > 2. They’re not bananas.
- Output
I hate oranges for the following reasons:
They’re not apples.
They’re not bananas.
A blockquote consists of consecutive lines starting with >
(a greater-than symbol followed by a space).
Blockquotes can contain any outline writing convention, including other blockquotes.
- Markup
> Thank you for replying to my blog! > > > I hate oranges for the following reasons: > > > > 1. They’re not apples. > > 2. They’re not bananas. > > I completely understand.
- Output
Thank you for replying to my blog!
I hate oranges for the following reasons:
They’re not apples.
They’re not bananas.
I completely understand.
Thematic breaks
Use the thematic break convention to represent a change of subject.
A thematic break can be represented by 3 or more consecutive blank lines.
- Markup
I vowed never to eat apples again. By mid-March, a second flock of birds had moved into my dining room.
- Output
I vowed never to eat apples again.
By mid-March, a second flock of birds had moved into my dining room.
A thematic break can also be represented by a line consisting of 3 or more of the following characters:
Number signs:
Equal signs:
Plus signs:
At signs:
You can use any combination of those characters!
- Markup
I vowed never to eat apples again. #=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=# By mid-March, a second flock of birds had moved into my dining room.
- Output
I vowed never to eat apples again.
By mid-March, a second flock of birds had moved into my dining room.
Bulleted lists
You already know what a bulleted list is!
- Markup
- Buy milk - Buy bread - Buy happiness
- Output
Buy milk
Buy bread
Buy happiness
In a bulleted list, each item starts with a bullet character followed by a space. The following characters can serve as a bullet:
A hyphen:
An asterisk:
An actual bullet character:
Spacing between list items
Each bulleted list item can be followed by a single blank line.
- Markup
- Buy milk - Buy bread - Buy happiness
- Output
Buy milk
Buy bread
Buy happiness
On the other hand, if a list item is followed by 2 blank lines, it marks the end of the list.
- Markup
- Buy milk - Buy bread - Fix squeaky cabinet - Fix self-esteem
- Output
Buy milk
Buy bread
Fix squeaky cabinet
Fix self-esteem
List items consisting of multiple lines
List items aren’t limited to a single line! Bulleted lists can contain any outline writing convention, including other bulleted lists.
If your list item contains more than one line, subsequent lines should be indented 2 spaces (or a tab).
- Markup
- Buy milk! If whole milk is on sale, buy that. Otherwise, buy 2%. - Buy bread! Only buy bread from one of the following brands: * Little Northern Bakehouse * Udi’s * Canyon Bakehouse - Buy happiness! It’s usually near the self-checkout area.
- Output
Buy milk!
If whole milk is on sale, buy that. Otherwise, buy 2%.
Buy bread!
Only buy bread from one of the following brands:
Little Northern Bakehouse
Canyon Bakehouse
Buy happiness!
It’s usually near the self-checkout area.
Numbered lists
You already know what a numbered list is!
- Markup
1. Buy milk 2. Buy bread 3. Buy happiness
- Output
Buy milk
Buy bread
Buy happiness
Numbered lists are nearly identical to Bulleted lists—the only difference is that numbered list items have ordinals, not bullets.
The ordinal for a numbered list item can be expressed several ways:
An integer followed by a period:
An integer followed by a closing parenthesis:
A number sign:
A number sign followed by a period:
A number sign followed by a closing parenthesis:
Like each bullet in a bulleted list, each ordinal in a numbered list must be followed by a space.
Lists starting at a specific number
Numbered lists don’t have to start at 1
- Markup
3) March #) April #) May
- Output
Lists in descending order
Up automatically recognizes when a numbered list is in descending order.
If a numbered list has at least two items with integer ordinals (as opposed to number signs), and if the first integer is greater than the second, Up considers the list to be in descending order.
- Markup
3) Buy milk 2) Buy bread #) Buy happiness
- Output
Buy milk
Buy bread
Buy happiness
Single-item numbered lists
Like bulleted lists, numbered lists can consist of a single item.
- Markup
1) Buy milk
- Output
Buy milk
There’s a small exception to this rule: If your list item’s ordinal is expressed as an integer followed by a period (e.g. 1.
), you must have more than one list item. This exception helps prevent accidental
numbered lists.
- Markup
1783. Not a good year for Great Britain.
- Output
1783. Not a good year for Great Britain.
Description lists
Use description lists represent a collection of subjects and their descriptions.
You can use description lists for:
Terms and definitions
Questions and answers
Any collection of subjects and descriptions!
- Markup
Kirby’s Dreamland A video game about a flying marshmallow. Super Mario Land A video game about a jumping plumber.
- Output
- Kirby’s Dreamland
A video game about a flying marshmallow.
- Super Mario Land
A video game about a jumping plumber.
Every item in a description list consists of two parts:
One or more subjects
A single description of those subjects
Subjects can contain any inline writing convention.
- Markup
`<ol>` An HTML element representing numbered lists. `<ul>` An HTML element representing bulleted lists.
- Output
An HTML element representing numbered lists.
An HTML element representing bulleted lists.
When there is more than one subject for a given description, they should be listed consecutively, one subject per line.
- Markup
Game Boy Light Game Boy Pocket Game Boy Color Handheld video game systems released by Nintendo in the 1990s.
- Output
- Game Boy Light
- Game Boy Pocket
- Game Boy Color
Handheld video game systems released by Nintendo in the 1990s.
Each description follows the subjects it describes.
Descriptions are indented 2 spaces (or a tab). They can contain any outline writing convention, including other description lists.
- Markup
Bulbasaur A plant Pokémon with a bulb growing from its back. Height 0.7 m Weight 6.9 kg Charmander A fire Pokémon with a flame on its tail. Height 0.6 m Weight 8.5 kg
- Output
- Bulbasaur
A plant Pokémon with a bulb growing from its back.
- Height
0.7 m
- Weight
6.9 kg
- Charmander
A fire Pokémon with a flame on its tail.
- Height
0.6 m
- Weight
8.5 kg
Each description may be followed by an optional blank line. If a description is followed by two blank lines, it marks the end of the description list.
- Markup
Lime A green fruit. Strawberry A red fruit. Bulbasaur A green Pokémon. Charmander A red Pokémon.
- Output
- Lime
A green fruit.
- Strawberry
A red fruit.
- Bulbasaur
A green Pokémon.
- Charmander
A red Pokémon.
You already know what a table is! Use tables to display rows of data organized into columns.
- Markup
Table: Moves learned by the Pokémon Bulbasaur Move; Type; Power; Accuracy Tackle; Normal; 50; 100% Growl; Normal; ; 100% Leech Seed; Grass; ; 90% Vine Whip; Grass; 45; 100%
- Output
Moves learned by the Pokémon Bulbasaur Move Type Power Accuracy Tackle Normal 50 100% Growl Normal 100% Leech Seed Grass 90% Vine Whip Grass 45 100%
A table consists of:
An optional caption, representing the table’s title
A header row, describing each column
Content rows, representing the actual data
An optional header column, describing each row
Table cells are separated by semicolons. To learn more, see Cells.
Our examples use extra spaces to align cells. This makes our markup more readable, but it’s strictly optional! If you want, you can squish your cells together, as long as any empty cells contain at least one space. To learn more, please see Empty cells.
- Squished markup
Table: My favorite fruits Fruit;Color;Taste Lime;Green;Sour Lemon;Yellow;Sour Banana;Yellow;Sweet
- Output
My favorite fruits Fruit Color Taste Lime Green Sour Lemon Yellow Sour Banana Yellow Sweet
The caption
The text after Table:
is treated as the table’s caption. Captions can contain any inline writing convention.
- Markup
Table: My favorite [fruits] (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruit) Fruit; Color; Taste Lime; Green; Sour Lemon; Yellow; Sour Banana; Yellow; Sweet
- Output
My favorite fruits Fruit Color Taste Lime Green Sour Lemon Yellow Sour Banana Yellow Sweet
Captions are strongly encouraged, but they’re not required. To create a table without a caption, simply put Table
on its own line.
- Markup
Table Fruit; Color; Taste Lime; Green; Sour Lemon; Yellow; Sour Banana; Yellow; Sweet
- Output
Fruit Color Taste Lime Green Sour Lemon Yellow Sour Banana Yellow Sweet
Table cells are separated by semicolons. If you want to include a semicolon in a cell, simply put a backslash before it. To learn more, see Disabling special characters.
- Markup
Table: My favorite fruits Fruit; Reason for liking Apples; Easy to eat\; stylish Grapes; Each grape is very cheap Oranges; The color orange is nice
- Output
My favorite fruits Fruit Reason for liking Apples Easy to eat; stylish Grapes Each grape is very cheap Oranges The color orange is nice
Cells spanning multiple columns
If you want a cell to span two columns, terminate that cell with two semicolons.
- Markup
Table: My favorite fruits Fruit; Color; Taste Lime; Green; Sour Orange;; Sweet and tart Banana; Yellow; Sweet
- Output
My favorite fruits Fruit Color Taste Lime Green Sour Orange Sweet and tart Banana Yellow Sweet
Likewise, if you want a cell to span six columns, terminate that cell with six semicolons.
Empty cells
As we've already seen, a cell consisting solely of spaces (one or more) is considered empty.
However, to indicate that the first cell in a row should be empty, you can simply start that row with a semicolon. You don’t need to put any spaces before it.
- Markup
Table: Games in the Chrono series Release Date; Game; March 11, 1995; Chrono Trigger November 18, 1999; Chrono Cross ; Chrono Break
- Output
Games in the Chrono series Release Date Game March 11, 1995 Chrono Trigger November 18, 1999 Chrono Cross Chrono Break
Likewise, to indicate that the last cell in a row should be empty, simply end that row with a semicolon. You don’t need to add any spaces after it.
- Markup
Table: Games in the Chrono series Game; Release Date Chrono Trigger; March 11, 1995 Chrono Cross; November 18, 1999 Chrono Break;
- Output
Games in the Chrono series Game Release Date Chrono Trigger March 11, 1995 Chrono Cross November 18, 1999 Chrono Break
The header row
The header defines each column in the table.
The single blank lines before and after the header are not required.
- Markup
Table: Moves learned by the Pokémon Bulbasaur Move; Type; Power; Accuracy Tackle; Normal; 50; 100% Growl; Normal; ; 100% Leech Seed; Grass; ; 90% Vine Whip; Grass; 45; 100%
- Output
Moves learned by the Pokémon Bulbasaur Move Type Power Accuracy Tackle Normal 50 100% Growl Normal 100% Leech Seed Grass 90% Vine Whip Grass 45 100%
Cells in a table’s header can contain any inline writing convention.
Content rows
The content rows
of a table follow its header row. The content rows contain the table’s actual data.
If a content row is followed by a blank line, it ends the table.
- Markup
Table: Moves learned by the Pokémon Bulbasaur Move; Type; Power; Accuracy Tackle; Normal; 50; 100% Growl; Normal; ; 100% Leech Seed; Grass; ; 90% Vine Whip; Grass; 45; 100% I love Bulbasaur!
- Output
Moves learned by the Pokémon Bulbasaur Move Type Power Accuracy Tackle Normal 50 100% Growl Normal 100% Leech Seed Grass 90% Vine Whip Grass 45 100% I love Bulbasaur!
Content row cells can contain any inline writing convention.
Including a header column in your table
To indicate your table has a header column, simply indent its header row at least two spaces (or a tab).
When you indent a table’s the header row, Up automatically treats the first cell in each subsequent row as the header column.
- Markup
Table: Moves learned by the Pokémon Bulbasaur Type; Power; Accuracy Tackle; Normal; 50; 100% Growl; Normal; ; 100% Leech Seed; Grass; ; 90% Vine Whip; Grass; 45; 100%
- Output
Moves learned by the Pokémon Bulbasaur Type Power Accuracy Tackle Normal 50 100% Growl Normal 100% Leech Seed Grass 90% Vine Whip Grass 45 100%
When your table has a header column, Up automatically inserts an extra blank cell at the beginning of the header row, just above the header column.
Code blocks
Use the code block convention to represent a block of computer code.
When you need to represent only a small fragment of computer code, consider using Inline code instead.
- Markup
``` function nthFibonacci(n: number): number { return n <= 2 ? n - 1 : nthFibonacci(n - 1) + nthFibonacci(n - 2) } ```
- Output
function nthFibonacci(n: number): number { return n <= 2 ? n - 1 : nthFibonacci(n - 1) + nthFibonacci(n - 2) }
Code blocks are surrounded (underlined and overlined
) by matching streaks of 3 or more backticks.
If there is no matching end streak, the code block extends to the end of the document (or to the end of the current outline writing convention, if the code block is nested within one).
Within a code block, indentation is preserved, and every single character is treated literally. No other writing conventions are recognized, which means code blocks don’t support Disabling special characters.
Including streaks of backticks
Code blocks can contain streaks of backticks that aren’t exactly as long as the enclosing streaks.
- Markup
`````` A code block: ``` function factorial(n: number): number { return n <= 1 ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1) } ``` See? Not so hard! ``````
- Output
A code block: ``` function factorial(n: number): number { return n <= 1 ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1) } ``` See? Not so hard!
Linkifying another writing convention
You can put Images inside of Links, but the syntax can be a bit messy.
- Messy markup
[(image: Warlocked box art) (i.imgur.com/879AeYU.jpg)] [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warlocked]
- Output
That’s a lot of brackets! Luckily, there’s a shortcut.
Simply place the linkifying
URL after the image’s own URL, and Up will produce a link for you.
- Cleaner markup
[image: Warlocked box art] [i.imgur.com/879AeYU.jpg] (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warlocked)
- Output
When linkifying an image, you can mix and match square brackets and parentheses—they’re totally interchangeable.
This shortcut also works for the following inline writing conventions:
- Example user input
- Markup
Press {space} (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_bar) to continue.
- Output
Press space to continue.
- Footnotes
- Markup
Pokémon is old [^ Released in 1996!] (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pokémon_Red_and_Blue) but it maintains its charm.
- Output
Pokémon is old5 but it maintains its charm.
- Inline revealables
- Markup
At the end of Pokémon Red, [SPOILER: you battle your rival] (pokemon.wikia.com/wiki/Rival) before the credits roll.
- Output
At the end of Pokémon Red, you battle your rival before the credits roll.
Typographical writing conventions
Consecutive periods represent an ellipsis, so Up replaces them with a fancy ellipsis character.
- Markup
I don’t know... I doubt a spider would do this.
- Output
I don’t know… I doubt a spider would do this.
If you’re a software developer using the Up library, you can specify a different fancy ellipsis (e.g. ⋯
). To learn more, see fancyEllipsis
En dash
Two consecutive hyphens produce an en dash.
- Markup
I agree -- to an extent -- with your plan to eat nothing but cereal.
- Output
I agree – to an extent – with your plan to eat nothing but cereal.
Em dash
Three consecutive hyphens produce an em dash.
- Markup
Use a spoon---a fork won’t cut it.
- Output
Use a spoon—a fork won’t cut it.
Plus-minus sign
A plus sigh followed by a hyphen produces a plus-minus sign.
- Markup
I ate 5 waffles +- 2.
- Output
I ate 5 waffles ± 2.
Excessive delimiter characters
For Emphasis, Stress, Italics, Bold, Highlighting, and Inline quotes, Up ignores any excessive delimiter characters.
- Markup
This organic, ====gluten-free==== cupcake is too expensive.
- Output
This organic, gluten-free cupcake is too expensive.
This includes when delimiter characters aren’t perfectly balanced on either side.
- Markup
My favorite video game is _Chrono Cross__.
- Output
My favorite video game is Chrono Cross.
Disabling special characters
To disable the special meaning of a character, put a backslash before it.
- Markup
I love \*asterisks*!
- Output
I love *asterisks*!
Likewise, to disable the special meaning of a backslash, put another backslash before it.
- Markup
My favorite kind of slash is the backslash: \\. What is yours?
- Output
My favorite kind of slash is the backslash: \. What is yours?
Overlapping writing conventions
In Up, inline writing conventions can freely overlap.
- Markup
John **enjoys ==sleeping** late== whenever he can.
- Output
John enjoys sleeping late whenever he can.
Superficial overlapping
If conventions overlap superficially—by only their start or end delimiters—Up pretends they weren’t overlapped at all.
- Markup
At the end of Pokémon Red, [SPOILER: you battle your rival *yet again]* before the credits roll.
- Output
At the end of Pokémon Red, you battle your rival yet again before the credits roll.
Using the Up library
The Up library can be found on NPM.
npm install @xcvz/up --save
Usage Overview
Typically, you’ll want to use one of the various Functions exported by the library.
const { parseAndRender } = require("@xcvz/up")
const html = parseAndRender(markup, optionalSettings)
Alternatively, you can use the exported Up
class, which can be helpful if you need to parse or render several documents sharing custom settings. Please see Up
(class) to learn more.
If you plan to modify or analyze a parsed document, you’ll want to check out the Abstract syntax tree classes.
This function converts Up markup into HTML and returns the result.
- Arguments
The Up markup to convert into HTML.
(interface)The custom parsing and/or rendering settings to apply.
- Return type:
This function returns HTML representing the rendered document.
- Usage
- Without custom settings
const html = parseAndRender(markup)
- With custom settings
const html = parseAndRender(markup, { parsing: { createSourceMap: true, keywords: { audio: "listen" } }, rendering: { idPrefix: "article" } })
This function converts Up markup into two pieces of HTML, both of which are returned:
A table of contents
The document itself
- Arguments
The Up markup to parse and render.
(interface)The custom parsing and/or rendering settings to apply.
- Return type:
(interface) This function returns HTML representing the rendered document and table of contents.
- Usage
- Without custom settings
const { tableOfContentsHtml, documentHtml } = parseAndRenderWithTableOfContents(markup)
- With custom settings
const { tableOfContentsHtml, documentHtml } = parseAndRenderWithTableOfContents(markup, { parsing: { createSourceMap: true, keywords: { audio: "listen" } }, rendering: { idPrefix: "article", terms: { reveal: "expand" } } })
This interface represents the HTML for a rendered document and its table of contents.
- Members
The HTML for the table of contents.
The HTML for the document itself.
- Notes
The following functions return an object satisfying this interface:
This function converts inline Up markup into inline HTML and returns the result.
To learn more about inline documents, see Inline documents.
- Arguments
The inline Up markup to convert into inline HTML.
(interface)The custom parsing and/or rendering settings to apply.
- Return type:
This function returns HTML representing the rendered inline document.
- Usage
- Without custom settings
const html = parseAndRenderInline(markup)
- With custom settings
const html = parseAndRenderInline(markup, { parsing: { baseForUrlsStartingWithSlash: "https://example.com/en-us", keywords: { audio: "listen" } }, rendering: { idPrefix: "byline", terms: { reveal: "show" } } })
This function parses Up markup and returns the resulting syntax tree.
- Arguments
The Up markup to parse.
(interface)The custom parsing settings to apply.
- Return type:
(class) This function returns a syntax tree representing the parsed document.
- Usage
- Without custom settings
const html = parse(markup)
- With custom settings
const document = parse(markup, { createSourceMap: true, keywords: { audio: "listen" } })
This function parses inline Up markup and returns the resulting inline syntax tree.
To learn more about inline documents, see Inline documents.
- Arguments
The inline Up markup to parse.
(interface)The custom parsing settings to apply.
- Return type:
(class) This function returns an inline syntax tree representing the parsed document.
- Usage
- Without custom settings
const html = parseInline(markup)
- With custom settings
const html = parseInline(markup, { baseForUrlsStartingWithSlash: "https://example.com/en-us", keywords: { audio: "listen" } })
This function converts a syntax tree into HTML and returns the result.
- Arguments
(class)The syntax tree to convert into HTML.
(interface)The custom rendering settings to apply.
- Return type:
This function returns HTML representing the rendered document.
- Usage
- Without custom settings
const html = render(document)
- With custom settings
const html = render(document, { idPrefix: "article", terms: { footnoteReference: "footnote mention", reveal: "show" } })
This function converts a syntax tree into two pieces of HTML, both of which are returned:
A table of contents
The document itself
- Arguments
(class)The syntax tree to convert into HTML.
(interface)The custom rendering settings to apply.
- Return type:
(interface) This function returns HTML representing the rendered document and table of contents.
- Usage
- Without custom settings
const { tableOfContentsHtml, documentHtml } = renderWithTableOfContents(document)
- With custom settings
const { tableOfContentsHtml, documentHtml } = renderWithTableOfContents(document, { idPrefix: "article", terms: { reveal: "expand" } })
This function converts an inline syntax tree into inline HTML and returns the result.
To learn more about inline documents, see Inline documents.
- Arguments
(class)The inline syntax tree to convert into HTML.
(interface)The custom rendering settings to apply.
- Return type:
This function returns HTML representing the rendered inline document.
- Usage
- Without custom settings
const html = renderInline(inlineDocument)
- With custom settings
const html = renderInline(inlineDocument, { idPrefix: "byline", terms: { reveal: "show" } })
Anything you can accomplish using the Up
class, you can accomplish using the regular Functions exported by the library.
However, the Up
class can be helpful if you need to parse or render several documents sharing custom settings.
Those shared settings can be provided just once—in the constructor. Then, when calling methods on your object, you only need to provide settings that overwrite (or supplement) the ones you provided to the constructor.
const { Up } = require("@xcvz/up")
const up = new Up(settings)
const html = up.parseAndRender(markup, supplementalSettings)
Constructor arguments
(interface)The custom parsing and/or rendering settings to apply to all subsequent method calls.
const up = new Up({ parsing: { fancyEllipsis: "⋯", keywords: { audio: ["sound", "song"], revealable: "hide" } }, rendering: { idPrefix: 'article', terms: { reveal: "expand" } } })
This class’s methods have the exact same names and arguments as the library’s Functions.
Invoking a method with custom settings
When a method is invoked with custom settings, those settings are merged with the settings provided to the constructor. If any individual settings conflict, Up uses the conflicting values provided to the method.
- Example
const up = new Up({ parsing: { createSourceMap: true, fancyEllipsis: "⋯", keywords: { audio: ["sound", "song"], revealable: "hide" } }, rendering: { terms: { reveal: "expand" } } }) const html = up.parseAndRender(markup, { parsing: { createSourceMap: false, keywords: { audio: "listen" } }, rendering: { idPrefix: "article" } })
- Result
In the above example, the following settings are ultimately applied:
{ parsing: { createSourceMap: false, fancyEllipsis: "⋯", keywords: { audio: "listen", revealable: "hide" } }, rendering: { idPrefix: "article", terms: { reveal: "expand" } } }
Library configuration
The Up library works out of the box! No configuration is necessary.
However, all Functions do accept optional custom settings. These various settings are described below.
The Settings
interface includes both parsing settings and rendering settings.
Use this interface to provide custom settings to functions that both parse markup and render the result to HTML:
- Usage
const html = parseAndRender(markup, { parsing: { createSourceMap: true, keywords: { audio: "listen" } }, rendering: { idPrefix: "article" } })
- Members (both of which are optional)
(interface)The custom parsing settings to apply.
(interface)The custom rendering settings to apply.
The Settings.Parsing
interface includes all parsing settings.
Use this interface to provide custom settings to functions that parse markup and return the resulting syntax tree:
As part of Settings
(interface), this interface also provides parsing custom settings to functions that both parse markup and render the result to HTML:
- Usage
const document = parse(markup, { createSourceMap: true, keywords: { audio: ["sound", "song"], audio: "listen" } })
- Members (all of which are optional)
Enables source mapping.
The default URL scheme for URLs without one.
The base for URLs starting with
The base for URLs starting with
Up replaces consecutive periods with this fancy ellipsis.
(all of which are optional)Customizing keywords
You can provide unlimited custom variations for each keyword. Custom keyword variations do not overwrite the default keywords.
const document = parse(markup, { keywords: { audio: ["sound", "song"], audio: "listen" } })
Like the default keywords, custom keyword variations are case-insensitive.
Recognized by Audio.
Recognized by Images.
Recognized by Inline revealables and Revealable blocks.
Recognized by Section links.
Recognized by Tables.
Recognized by Video.
When createSourceMap
is enabled, Up keeps track of the original line number for every instance of every outline writing convention.
This setting works by setting the sourceLineNumber
field of each OutlineSyntaxNode
- Usage
const html = parseAndRender(markup, { parsing: { createSourceMap: true } })
- Default value
- Context
This setting belongs to
The defaultUrlScheme
is prefixed to any link URL or media URL without a URL scheme.
For URLs with a URL scheme, this setting has no effect. Furthermore, this setting is not applied to URLs that start with /
or #
. For those URLs, see:
- Usage
const html = parseAndRender(markup, { parsing: { defaultUrlScheme: "my-app://" } })
- Default value
- Context
This setting belongs to
The baseForUrlsStartingWithSlash
is prefixed to any link URL or media URL starting with /
- Usage
const html = parseAndRender(markup, { parsing: { baseForUrlsStartingWithSlash: "https://example.com/blog/" } })
- Default value
(an empty string)- Context
This setting belongs to
The baseForUrlsStartingWithSlash
is prefixed to any link URL or media URL starting with #
- Usage
const html = parseAndRender(markup, { parsing: { baseForUrlsStartingWithHashMark: "https://example.com/blog/post/28" } })
- Default value
(an empty string)- Context
This setting belongs to
Up automatically replaces consecutive periods with fancyEllipsis
By default, fancyEllipsis
is …
. If you want Up to use a different fancy ellipsis (e.g. ⋯
or even . . .
), set fancyEllipsis
- Usage
const html = parseAndRender(markup, { parsing: { fancyEllipsis: "⋯" } })
- Default value
- Context
This setting belongs to
The Settings.Rendering
interface includes all rendering settings.
Use this interface to provide custom settings to functions that render syntax trees to HTML:
As part of Settings
(interface), this interface also provides custom rendering settings to functions that both parse markup and render the result to HTML:
- Usage
const html = render(document, { idPrefix: "article", terms: { footnoteReference: "footnote mention", reveal: "show" } })
- Members (all of which are optional)
The prefix to apply to HTML IDs.
Enables the rendering of dangerous content. Enabling this setting is not recommended!
(all of which are optional)footnote
Appears in the URLs of links pointing to footnotes in their footnote blocks.
Appears in the URLs of links pointing back to footnote references (i.e. back to the superscripts within paragraphs).
Appears on the button that hides revealable content.
Appears on the button that reveals revealable content.
Appears in the URLs of table of contents entries.
You don’t need to worry about escaping any characters in your custom terms! Up handles that for you.
If you are rendering multiple documents onto the same page, you need to use this setting to prevent HTML ID collisions between documents.
By default, idPrefix
is up
to prevent ID collisions with any HTML elements not rendered by Up. If you don’t want any ID prefix, you can set idPrefix
to an empty string.
You don’t need to worry about escaping HTML for your idPrefix
—Up automatically handles that for you. Furthermore, Up automatically converts any spaces in your idPrefix
to hyphens.
- Usage
const html = parseAndRender(markup, { rendering: { idPrefix: "article" } })
- Context
This setting belongs to
(interface).- Default value
Normally, Up will not render links or media elements with potentially exploitable URI schemes: javascript
, vbscript
, data
, and file
When this setting is enabled, Up will dutifully render all links and media elements.
- Usage
const html = parseAndRender(markup, { rendering: { renderDangerousContent: true } })
- Default value
- Context
This setting belongs to
Inline documents
In certain contexts, you might want to restrict a document to just a single line:
A chat message
The title of a thread on a message board
The byline for a user’s profile
That’s what inline documents are for! To take advantage of inline documents, use one of the following functions:
Syntax differences
Within inline documents, Up ignores all outline writing conventions. Furthermore, Footnotes and Section links aren’t supported.
When Up encounters a footnote in an inline document, it pretends the author had used parentheses instead of a footnote.
- Inline markup
My dad [^ Professor Oak] is very wise.
- Output
My dad (Professor Oak) is very wise.
Within inline documents, Up doesn’t recognize the syntax for section links. Consequently, their markup is instead treated as regular old text enclosed within brackets.
- Inline markup
I enjoyed our conversation [topic: the weather].
- Output
I enjoyed our conversation [topic: the weather].
Rendered HTML
When inline documents are rendered, the resulting HTML is not enclosed within any container element (e.g. <p>
- Inline markup
I *really* like StarCraft.
- Rendered inline HTML
I <em>really</em> like StarCraft.
Abstract syntax tree classes
Unless you’re fiddling with the abstract syntax tree of a parsed document, you can safely ignore this section.
Every class used in the abstract syntax tree is exported by the library.
const { Blockquote } = require("@xcvz/up")
if (syntaxNode instanceof Blockquote) {
// Do something
If you’re using TypeScript, you can take advantage of several interfaces used in the abstract syntax tree, too.
const { SyntaxNode } = require("@xcvz/up")
function handle(node: SyntaxNode): void {
// Do something
All classes and interfaces are described below.
This class represents the syntax tree for a parsed document.
- Extends
- Unique members
(class)An object representing the document’s table of contents.
method (static)- Purpose
This method returns a ready-to-render syntax tree from a collection of outline syntax nodes.
Usually, you’ll want to use this static method instead of the constructor.
- Arguments
: array ofOutlineSyntaxNode
(interface)A collection of outline syntax nodes representing the content of this document.
- Return type:
(class) This method creates and returns a ready-to-render
object.To prepare the document for rendering, this method:
Assigns footnotes their reference numbers
Extracts footnotes into footnote blocks
Produces a table of contents
Matches section links with table of contents entries
- Constructor arguments
: array ofOutlineSyntaxNode
(interface)A collection of outline syntax nodes representing the content of this document.
(class)The document’s table of contents.
- Rendered HTML
When rendered to HTML, the document is not put into an outer container element.
<p> Unlike regular dental floss, you can use floss picks even if you’re <em>not</em> a trained dental hygienist. </p> <p> Floss picks are sold in stylish, resealable plastic bags. You have no excuse not to buy some today. </p>
This class represents the table of contents for a document. The table of contents includes every heading except those found within Revealable content.
- Members
: array ofDocument.TableOfContents.Entry
(interface)A collection of entries representing headings in the document. In fact, the objects in this collection are the same
(class) objects in the document itself.
- Constructor arguments
: array ofDocument.TableOfContents.Entry
(interface)The entries in the table of contents.
- Rendered HTML
Each entry in the table of contents renders a heading element corresponding to its
. This heading element contains a link to the appropriate section in the document.To learn more on how headings are rendered, please see
(class).<h1> <a href="#up-topic-1">Fun things</a> </h1> <h2> <a href="#up-topic-2">Games</a> </h2> <h3> <a href="#up-topic-3">Video games</a> </h3> <h4> <a href="#up-topic-4">Released in the 2000s</a> </h4> <h5> <a href="#up-topic-5">For Nintendo devices</a> </h5> <h6> <a href="#up-topic-6">Nintendo 64</a> </h6> <div aria-level="7" role="heading"> <a href="#up-topic-6">Pokémon Puzzle League</a> </div> <h6> <a href="#up-topic-8">Game Boy</a> </h6> <div aria-level="7" role="heading"> <a href="#up-topic-9">Game Boy Color Exclusives</a> </div> <div aria-level="8" role="heading"> <a href="#up-topic-10">Warlocked</a> </div>
This interface represents an entry in the table of contents.
- Members
The entry’s ordinal in the table of contents. The first ordinal is
, not0
The heading level of the entry. Like HTML heading levels, a level of 1 is considered the most significant.
: array ofInlineSyntaxNode
(interface)The inline syntax nodes representing this entry in the table of contents.
: stringCurrently, headings are the only writing convention that produce table of contents entries, so the
field always represents the markup for thecontent line
of a heading.Section links compare their
against this field.sourceLineNumber
(setting) is enabled, this field is set to the line number of the first line of markup that produced the heading represented by this entry. Source line numbers start at1
, not0
.When rendered to HTML, entries with source line numbers are given a
attribute set the appropriate line number.<h3 data-up-source-line="51"> <a href="#up-topic-5">Video games</a> </h3>
method- Return type: array of
(interface) This method returns the inline syntax nodes that should represent this entry’s content inside the table of contents itself.
- Arguments
- Return type: array of
This class represents the syntax tree for a parsed inline document.
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
When rendered to HTML, an inline document is not put into an outer container element.
I <em>love</em> dental floss!
All syntax node classes must implement this interface.
- Members
method- Return type: array of
(interface) This method returns all inline descendants (including children, grandchildren, etc.).
- Arguments
- Return type: array of
- Notes
This interface also has a
method, but it isn’t relevant to developers using the Up library.
All inline syntax node classes must implement this interface.
- Extends
- Unique members
method- Return type:
This method returns the searchable text of the syntax node.
Ultimately, this method helps match Section links to the the most appropriate table of content entry.
- Arguments
- Return type:
All outline syntax node classes must implement this interface.
- Extends
- Unique members
(setting) is enabled, this field is set to the first line of markup that produced this syntax node. Source line numbers start at1
, not0
.HTML elements rendered by outline syntax nodes with source line numbers are given a
attribute set the appropriate line number.<p data-up-source-line="24">Hi there!</p>
method- Return type: array of
(interface) This method returns any descendants (at any nesting level) to include in the table of contents.
- Arguments
- Return type: array of
This abstract class represents an inline syntax node that can contain other inline syntax nodes.
- Extends
- Implements
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
This abstract class represents an outline syntax node that can contain other outline syntax nodes.
- Extends
- Implements
- Constructor arguments
: array ofOutlineSyntaxNode
(interface)A collection of outline syntax nodes representing the content of this syntax node.
: numberThe line number of the first line of markup that created this syntax node.
This abstract class represents a container of inline syntax nodes.
- Members
: array ofInlineSyntaxNode
(interface)A collection of inline syntax nodes representing the content of this container.
method- Return type: array of
(interface) This method returns all inline descendants (including
, grandchildren, etc.).- Arguments
- Return type: array of
- Constructor arguments
: array ofInlineSyntaxNode
(interface)A collection of inline syntax nodes representing the content of this container.
This abstract class represents a container of outline syntax nodes.
- Members
: array ofOutlineSyntaxNode
(interface)A collection of outline syntax nodes representing the content of this container.
method- Return type: array of
(interface) This method returns any descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.) to include in the table of contents.
- Arguments
- Return type: array of
method- Return type: array of
(interface) This method returns all inline descendants of
.- Arguments
- Return type: array of
- Constructor arguments
: array ofOutlineSyntaxNode
(interface)A collection of outline syntax nodes representing the content of this container.
All three media syntax node classes extend this abstract class:
- Implements
(interface)Media conventions can appear inline (i.e. within paragraphs).
(interface)If a line consists solely of media conventions (or media conventions within links), those media conventions (or their outer links) are placed directly into the outline.
- Unique members
The media’s description.
Represents the media’s URL after the following settings are applied:
- Constructor arguments
: stringThe media’s description.
: stringThe media’s URL.
: numberThe line number of the markup that produced this media syntax node.
This abstract class represents Parenthetical text.
It is extended by both parenthetical syntax node classes:
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<audio controls src="https://a.clyp.it/ybct5hcl.mp3" title="Sadness theme from Infinity for Game Boy"> <a href="https://a.clyp.it/ybct5hcl.mp3">Sadness theme from Infinity for Game Boy</a> </audio>
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<blockquote> <p>Hi there!</p> </blockquote>
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<b>Hi there!</b>
- Writing convention
- Implements
- Unique members
: array ofBulletedList.Item
(class)The collection of items comprising this bulleted list.
- Constructor arguments
: array ofBulletedList.Item
(class)The collection of items comprising this bulleted list.
: numberThe line number of the first line of markup that created this bulleted list.
- Rendered HTML
<ul> <li> <p>Buy milk</p> </li> <li> <p>Buy bread</p> </li> <li> <p>Buy happiness</p> </li> </ul>
This class represents an item in a bulleted list.
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
- Writing convention
- Implements
- Unique members
The code represented by this syntax node.
- Constructor arguments
The code represented by this syntax node.
: numberThe line number of the first line of markup that created this code block.
- Rendered HTML
<pre><code>const message = "Hi there!"</code></pre>
- Writing convention
- Implements
- Unique members
: array ofDescriptionList.Item
(class)The collection of items comprising this description list.
- Constructor arguments
: array ofDescriptionList.Item
(class)The collection of items comprising this description list.
: numberThe line number of the first line of markup that created this description list.
- Rendered HTML
<dl> <dt>Kirby’s Dreamland</dt> <dd> <p>A video game about a flying marshmallow.</p> </dd> <dt>Super Mario Land</dt> <dd> <p>A video game about a jumping plumber.</p> </dd> </dl>
This class represents a collection of subjects and their corresponding description.
- Unique members
: array ofDescriptionList.Item.Subject
(class)The subjects described by
(class)The description of
- Constructor arguments
: array ofDescriptionList.Item.Subject
(class)The subjects described by
(class)The description of
This class represents the collection of subjects described by a given description within a description list item.
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
This class represents the description of a given collection of subjects within a description list item.
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<em>Hi there!</em>
- Writing convention
- Implements
- Unique members
The example of user input.
- Rendered HTML
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Unique members
The number that appears in superscript for this footnote. Within a given document, this value must be unique.
- Constructor arguments
: array ofInlineSyntaxNode
(interface)A collection of inline syntax nodes representing the content of this footnote.
: numberThe number that appears in superscript for this footnote. Within a given document, this value must be unique.
- Rendered HTML
<sup class="up-footnote-reference" id="up-footnote-reference-1"> <a href="#up-footnote-1">1</a> </sup>
Footnotes are written inline, but they aren’t meant to appear inline in the final document. That would defeat the purpose of footnotes! Instead, footnotes are extracted and placed in footnote blocks. This class represents one of those footnote blocks.
- Implements
- Unique members
: array of FootnotesThe collection of footnotes comprising this footnote block.
- Constructor arguments
: array of FootnotesThe collection of footnotes comprising this footnote block.
- Rendered HTML
<dl class="up-footnotes"> <dt id="up-footnote-1"> <a href="#up-footnote-reference-1">1</a> </dt> <dd>No relation to Warcraft!</dd> <dt id="up-footnote-2"> <a href="#up-footnote-reference-2">2</a> </dt> <dd>The pathfinding algorithm had issues.</dd> </dl>
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Implements
(interface)Headings are special! No other syntax node implements this interface.
(interface)But headings also serve as regular old outline syntax nodes.
- Unique members
A heading’s level represents its significance in the document. Like HTML heading levels, a level of 1 is considered the most significant.
- Constructor arguments
: array ofInlineSyntaxNode
(interface)A collection of inline syntax nodes representing the content of this heading.
A heading’s level represents its significance in the document. Like HTML heading levels, a level of 1 is considered the most significant.
: stringRepresents the markup for the
content line
of this heading.Section links compare their
against this field.ordinalInTableOfContents
Represents this heading’s ordinal in the table of contents. The first ordinal is
, not0
(optional): numberThe line number of the first line of markup that created this heading.
- Rendered HTML
- Levels 1–6
Headings with levels 1 through 6 render the appropriate heading element.
<h1> I am a level 1 heading! </h1> <h6> I am a level 6 heading! </h6>
- Levels 7 and higher
Headings with levels 7 and higher render
<div role="heading">
elements with anaria-level
attribute equal to their level.<div aria-level="7" role="heading"> I am a level 7 heading! </div> <div aria-level="10" role="heading"> I am a level 10 heading! </div>
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<mark>Hi there!</mark>
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<img alt="Super Mario Land box art" src="https://i.imgur.com/TxlFlkX.jpg" title="Super Mario Land box art">
- Writing convention
- Implements
- Unique members
The inline code represented by this syntax node.
- Constructor arguments
The inline code represented by this syntax node.
- Rendered HTML
<code class="up-inline-code">interface</code>
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<q>I know!</q>
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<span class="up-revealable"> <input checked class="up-hide" id="up-hide-button-1" name="up-revealable-1" type="radio"> <label for="up-hide-button-1" role="button" tabindex="0">hide</label> <input class="up-reveal" id="up-reveal-button-1" name="up-revealable-1" type="radio"> <label for="up-reveal-button-1" role="button" tabindex="0">reveal</label> <span role="alert">Ash fights Gary</span> </span>
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<i>I know!</i>
- Writing convention
- Implements
- Unique members
: array ofLineBlock.Line
(class)The collection of lines comprising this line block.
- Constructor arguments
: array ofLineBlock.Line
(class)The collection of lines comprising this line block.
: numberThe line number of the first line of markup that created this syntax node.
- Rendered HTML
<div class="up-lines"> <div>Roses are red</div> <div>Violets are blue</div> </div>
This class represents a line in a line block.
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Implements
(interface)If a line consists solely of media conventions (or media conventions within links), those media conventions (or their outer links) are placed directly into the outline.
- Unique members
This links’s URL after the following settings are applied:
- Constructor arguments
: array ofInlineSyntaxNode
(interface)A collection of inline syntax nodes representing the content of this link.
This links’s URL.
(optional): numberThe line number of the markup that produced this link.
- Rendered HTML
<a href="https://example.com">Hi there!</a>
- Writing convention
Parenthetical text produced by parentheses
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<small class="up-parenthetical">(Hi there!)</small>
- Writing convention
- Implements
- Unique members
: array ofNumberedList.Item
(class)The collection of items comprising this numbered list.
method- Return type:
This method returns the starting ordinal of this list, if one was explicitly defined. Otherwise, this method returns
.- Arguments
- Return type:
method- Return type:
(union) This method returns the order of this numbered list.
- Arguments
- Return type:
- Constructor arguments
: array ofNumberedList.Item
(class)The collection of items comprising this numbered list.
: numberThe line number of the first line of markup that created this numbered list.
- Rendered HTML
<ol reversed start="3"> <li value="3"> <p>Buy milk</p> </li> <li value="2"> <p>Buy bread</p> </li> <li> <p>Buy happiness</p> </li> </ol>
This class represents an item in a numbered list.
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
: array ofOutlineSyntaxNode
(interface)A collection of outline syntax nodes representing the content of this list item.
: numberThis ordinal (i.e. number) associated with this list item.
This union type represents the order of a numbered list.
It has two members: the string literals "asc"
(for ascending) and "desc"
(for descending).
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Implements
- Constructor arguments
: array ofInlineSyntaxNode
(interface)A collection of inline syntax nodes representing the content of this paragraph.
: numberThe line number of the markup that produced this paragraph.
- Rendered HTML
<p>Hi there!</p>
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<div class="up-revealable"> <input checked class="up-hide" id="up-hide-button-1" name="up-revealable-1" type="radio"> <label for="up-hide-button-1" role="button" tabindex="0">hide</label> <input class="up-reveal" id="up-reveal-button-1" name="up-revealable-1" type="radio"> <label for="up-reveal-button-1" role="button" tabindex="0">reveal</label> <div role="alert"> <p>Ash fights Gary.</p> </div> </div>
- Writing convention
- Implements
- Unique members
This field is compared against the
field of every table of contents entry to find the most appropriate match.
- Constructor arguments
This field is compared against the
field of every table of contents entry to find the most appropriate match.entry
(interface)The table of contents entry (i.e. heading) this section link points to.
- Rendered HTML
- When matched with a heading
Up renders a link to that heading. The rendered link contains the heading’s content.
<a href="#up-topic-77">Using the Up library</a>
- When not matched with a heading
Up renders the value of
in italics.<i>Up library</i>
- Writing convention
Parenthetical text produced by square brackets
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<small class="up-parenthetical up-square-brackets">[Hi there!]</small>
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<strong>Hi there!</strong>
- Writing convention
- Implements
- Unique members
(class)The header row.
: array ofTable.Row
(class)The content rows.
(class)The optional caption.
- Constructor arguments
(class)The header row.
: array ofTable.Row
(class)The content rows.
(class)The caption.
: numberThe line number of the first line of markup that created this table.
- Rendered HTML
- Without header column
<table> <caption>Moves learned by the Pokémon Bulbasaur</caption> <tr> <th scope="col">Level</th> <th scope="col">Move</th> <th scope="col">Type</th> <th scope="col">Power</th> <th scope="col">Accuracy</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="up-numeric">1</td> <td>Tackle</td> <td>Normal</td> <td class="up-numeric">50</td> <td class="up-numeric">100%</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="up-numeric">3</td> <td>Growl</td> <td>Normal</td> <td></td> <td class="up-numeric">100%</td> </tr> </table>
- With header column
<table> <caption>Moves learned by the Pokémon Bulbasaur</caption> <tr> <th scope="col"></th> <th scope="col">Level</th> <th scope="col">Type</th> <th scope="col">Power</th> <th scope="col">Accuracy</th> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Tackle</th> <td class="up-numeric">1</td> <td>Normal</td> <td class="up-numeric">50</td> <td class="up-numeric">100%</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Growl</th> <td class="up-numeric">3</td> <td>Normal</td> <td></td> <td class="up-numeric">100%</td> </tr> </table>
This class represents the caption of a table.
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
This abstract class represents a table cell.
- Extends
- Unique members
method- Return type:
This method returns a
indicating whether the content of this cell is numeric.- Arguments
- Return type:
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
This class represents the header row of a table.
- Unique members
: array ofTable.Header.Cell
(class)The cells in this header row.
- Constructor arguments
: array ofTable.Header.Cell
(class)The cells in this header row.
This class represents a table header cell.
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
This class represents a content row in a table.
- Unique members
: array ofTable.Row.Cell
(class)The content cells in this row.
(class)The single header column cell for this row, if there is one.
(Tables without header columns never have header column cells.)
method- Return type: array of
(class) This method returns every cell in this row.
If the table has a header column, the row’s
is the first item in the returned collection.- Arguments
- Return type: array of
- Constructor arguments
: array ofTable.Row.Cell
(class)The content cells in this row.
(class)The single header column cell for this row, if there is one.
This class represents a regular (non-header) table cell.
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
This class represents regular text content.
- Implements
- Unique members
The text represented by this syntax node.
- Constructor arguments
The text represented by this syntax node.
- Rendered HTML
Yes, 1 < 2
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
: numberThe line number of the markup that produced this thematic break.
- Rendered HTML
- Writing convention
- Extends
- Constructor arguments
See the constructor arguments for
(class).- Rendered HTML
<video controls src="https://i.imgur.com/32fBpnh.mp4" title="Professor Leonard"> <a href="https://i.imgur.com/32fBpnh.mp4">Professor Leonard</a> </video>